Saturday, August 1, 2009

Black curly hair in my burrito?

I found black curly hair in my burrito the other day and when I saw it I vimmitted all over my friends car and he once again called me a wetard and some other vulgar names and anyways that leads me into my question which is hows come I can get the vomit stains ou tta my shirt? Is it the thrown up salsa because it looks pretty non fresh.

Black curly hair in my burrito?


Black curly hair in my burrito?

I just barfed in my throat

Black curly hair in my burrito?


yeah that gets a star

Black curly hair in my burrito?

ugh you made me gag. haha pubritto. yuck. Vomit usually washes off in the wash.

Black curly hair in my burrito?

ew, either throw those clothes away.

or go and let them soak and water

and wash them alot.

Black curly hair in my burrito?

dude. gross. Yell at the people in the burrito store. lol.

Uh. i think you should throw the shirt away.

Black curly hair in my burrito?

Ewwwwwwww i was just about to eat!

Black curly hair in my burrito?

If it was me, I'd throw out the shirt.

If not, wash it several times.

Black curly hair in my burrito?

That's gross. Too much information dude.

Black curly hair in my burrito?


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