Monday, October 5, 2009

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene

well this professor said the reason why the Irish people like the Spanish people often have naturally curly hair is bc of their small mix of north African in them? So, any time a white person has curly hair, it's bc the tiny bit of black blood they might have in them (even something as insignificant as less than one percent)? It sounds like thats what hes saying. I then said "well Irish people have a different kind of curly hair than black people though". It's true. Black people have nice curly hair and so do Irish, but they have different textures. He said it's bc of only the small amount of black blood in the Irish and thats why their curls are different in texture than black people. I know we all supposedly originated from Africa, but is curly hair really only a trait due to African genes? Ive seen plenty of Germans, Hispanics, etc with curly but "non-Afro" type hair.

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?

First, their is no such thing as a black gene. That is not true, hair texture depends on someone genetics. Just because you have curly hair doesn't mean you automatically have black in your family history. All races can have curly hair, genes and traits aren't exclusive to one race. The professor needs to go back to school instead of teaching.

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?

just becaue you have curly hair does'nt mean you goT a BLACK GENE AND IF YOU DO SO WHAT?

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?

thats total crap and its not true however it may be true to a specific genus of people, where in this case it would be the irish. im not saying it is true just that its possible

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?

So I guess if a white person has straight hair, it means they have Chinese in them. Your professor is working in the wrong profession.

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?

that professor is a fool

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?

I agree also if you're part jewish you have curly hair

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?

what? your professor is on the cheech and chong!

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?

Not true. Jewish people sometimes have "Jew-fros". They are the coolest thing ever. You might have a little of that in you. Curly doesn't mean you have black in you.

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?

Switch classes

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?

Actually, I agree with those who say so what. However, I find the subject of our heritage very interesting. If you are really interested on where your family has been and what your make-up is, you might have your DNA tested. With such an Ancestral test, you can find out where your family may have migrated from in the early days of the world.

There are two basic types of DNA tests available for genealogical testing:

mtDNA Tests - Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is contained in the cytoplasm of the cell, rather than the nucleus. This type of DNA is passed by a mother to both male and female offspring without any mixing, so your mtDNA is the same as your mother's mtDNA, which is the same as her mother's mtDNA. mtDNA changes very slowly so it cannot determine close relationships as well as it can determine general relatedness. If two people have an exact match in their mtDNA, then there is a very good chance they share a common maternal ancestor, but it is hard to determine if this is a recent ancestor or one who lived hundreds of years ago. It is important to keep in mind with this test that a male's mtDNA comes only from his mother and is not passed on to his offspring.

Example: The DNA tests that identified the bodies of the Romanovs, the Russian imperial family, utilized mtDNA from a sample provided by Prince Philip, who shares the same maternal line from Queen Victoria.

Y Line Tests - More recently, the Y chromosome in the nuclear DNA is being used to establish family ties. The Y chromosomal DNA test (usually referred to as Y DNA or Y-Line DNA) is only available for males, since the Y chromosome is only passed down the male line from father to son. Tiny chemical markers on the Y chromosome create a distinctive pattern, known as a haplotype, that distinguishes one male lineage from another. Shared markers can indicate relatedness between two men, though not the exact degree of the relationship. Y chromosome testing is most often used by individuals with the same last name to learn if they share a common ancestor.

Example: The DNA tests supporting the probability that Thomas Jefferson fathered the last child of Sally Hemmings were based on Y-chromosome DNA samples from male descendants of Thomas Jefferson's paternal uncle, since there were no surviving male descendants from Jefferson's marriage.

Markers on both mtDNA and Y chromosome tests can also be used to determine an individual's haplogroup, a grouping of individuals with the same genetic characteristics. This test may provide you with interesting information about the deep ancestral lineage of your paternal and/or maternal lines.

I hope this helps and interests you as much as it does me.

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?

Its likely.Its a fact that blacks have migrated throughout the world, whether by choice or not.

This is also similar to black people with light colored eyes. They more then likely have some white or other race far back in their genealogical history.

And Jew is not an ethnicity, its a religion!

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?

I have heard a lot of stuff and have studied a lot of different things ... but never that ...

Somebody said when a white or other non-black person has curly hair, it's bc of some black gene in them?




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